Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post Lesson 11: Record keeping

Lately I have been considering the importance of record keeping. Reading and studying the book of Mormon has opened my eyes to the importance of it. Were it not for ancient prophets who took the time to keep this record we would be lost. We would not have the knowledge we have of the everlasting gospel, and we would be left to wander in darkness.

In a talk by Elder Erying, “O Remember, Remember,” he speaks about the importance of keeping a record of and also keeping a remembrance of Christ. He reminds us that all of the spiritual experiences we have are not only given to us for our benefit but for the benefit of our posterity.  He also said that through keeping a journal we will be able to more clearly see God’s hand in our life.  By writing our experiences down we are opening the door to more revelation and blessings. Keeping a journal of spiritual experiences shows God that we are appreciative of the things he blesses us with, and that we know they come from him.

I feel like this talk was exactly what I needed right now. Journal writing has been on my mind a lot lately, but it is hard to motivate myself to do it at times. There are probably many experiences that have faded that, had they been written down, could have benefited me greatly. I want to be able to show God that I can see him in my life and that I  see value in the experiences and personal revelation that he blesses me with. I also want my future children to see this as well, and to know God in their lives.  I have always enjoyed looking back and reading old journal entries, they bring so much strength. Half the time I really can’t even remember the last time I thought about a certain experience or lesson I had learned.  That is why I am so grateful for the record I do have.  I will be forever grateful that the prophets of old heeded God’s command, and kept a record of their experiences with God.  The scriptures are in a way the ultimate journal.  They help us to keep our lives centered on Christ, and I hope that by keeping a journal myself, that I can do the same for myself and future family. 

 In Mosiah 26 we see that Alma knew of this truth. He had a question, went to the lord and immediately after receiving his answer he recorded it. Mosiah 26:33 “And it came to pass when Alma had heard these words he wrote them down that he might have them, and that he might judge the people of that church according to the commandments of god.” From ancient times until now, the importance of record keeping has not changed. So we must not be relaxed in this thing!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blog Post assignment for Book of Mormon lesson 07

I have been studying recently in 2 Nephi 28 and I would like to make a post to share a little bit about what I have learned. In this chapter, there are presented to us some sinful practices and false doctrine that exist in our day. The first of these that I saw was the idea that there is no consequence for sin. Second, is that God has ceased to perform miracles. And finally the last and possibly the most dangerous false doctrine is that we know better than God and that our knowledge and wisdom surpasses any of his. I can definitely see these false doctrines coming about as prophesied by Nephi. For example “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die” is the mentality all too popular among young adults and youth in the church and outside of the church. It is just so much nicer and more comfortable to believe that it will take no effort on our part to be saved. I think the way to overcome this problem is to remember that yes through the blood of Christ we have been saved, but we have to choose to let it change us to reap the blessings. “And others will he pacify and lull them away into a carnal security,” this is exactly what is happening when we forget the consequences for our actions! I can also see that among youth and young adults today it has become increasingly less acceptable to have a belief in modern day miracles. We are falling into the trap that exists in the concept of “I have to see it to believe it.” This is just false! Realizing this is how we will overcome it. When we realize that faith comes through our action and not some outside influence we will begin to notice the miracles already unfolding around us. Lastly, the idea that we as sons and daughters of a heavenly father somehow have gained enough wisdom and knowledge that we don’t need to rely on him anymore has come about and this is purely a result of pride. And this mentality is as I said before a dangerous one to say the least. But in the end almost all of the other issues including this one can be overcome by one thing,  and that is relying on the Lord.  Or in other words, realizing your need for him.  He is real, He is there, and He is waiting!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


In class this past week, we discussed some very interesting things about divorce. The following statistics were presented:
70% of American men are married within the first two years following a divorce
70% of Americans who have divorced, say they regret it two years later
We discussed the interesting connection between these two statistics. My theory is that although they might regret their divorce, men are more likely to move on and begin their second marriage faster than women. This could be attributed to the fact that men often rely primarily on their wife for emotional support and stability, whereas women are more likely to open themselves up to friends and family. So when a divorce happens the men are left without the emotional support that women tend to find from multiple sources. Needing that connection back desperately, they find a new wife.

We also talked about the negative interaction cycle which many couples get caught in. It involves a lack of clear understanding. In this cycle each individual reacts according to what they feel and base their feelings fully on what the other does. This leaves couples stuck in a trap where neither really is able to understand what the other is thinking or feeling. Although this cycle is natural and very common, if I have learned anything from this class it is that we need to always seek the divine solution rather than the natural one.


In class a few weeks back we discussed the importance of good communication. There are three different types of communication that we need to be aware of if we hope to not only express ourselves effectively to others, but also to understand them. Two of these three fall under the category of verbal communication, they are first, the actual words we use, and second,  the tone we use when we say them. It is important to remember that the combination of word and tone can change completely the message that others receive in conversation.The third form falls under the non-verbal category, it is body language. Non-verbal communication can be tricky and easily misinterpreted. That is why we need to be very careful with the way we conduct ourselves.

During our discussion in class we talked about some things that will aid us in achieving good communication.  For example be clear and concise, be an active listener, validate the other's feelings, use I feel statements, use soft start-ups, and last focus on the topic at hand. It was interesting to me in learning this that most of the tips for good communication actually have to do with focusing on understanding others. This reminded me of a quote I have always loved, " seek first to understand, and then to be understood."

Communication is powerful, and has the potential to lift and build or really hurt people. even simple miscommunications can have a very negative effect. This is why it is so vital that we develop good communication skills by practicing these good habits. If we make an effort we will someday be able to "communicate so clearly that you can not only be understood, but so that you cannot be misunderstood."

Monday, June 24, 2013

Crisis Model

This past week in class we talked about crisis. We pointed out that every family experiences crisis and hard times differently but at the same time, they all have some control over how these situations are handled. We can see how this is true by taking a look at the ABCX model. A represents the actual event, for example a car crash, a death in the family, a family member moving out. B represents the resources the family has to use to deal with those problems, like money, family, or friends. C is the way the family defines the problem at hand, or how positively or negatively they view the problem. All of these things combined together give us X. X is the overall experience. Although the family can't always control what kind of crisis they face, they can control how they choose to view it and feel about it, which can drastically change the overall experience.

My family had personal experience with this a few years ago when my grandpa and grandma passed away within a few months of each other. Even though it was a very difficult time for my family and the crisis was out of our hands, we had a lot of support from members of our ward. We were brought meals almost every night for two weeks to take the stress off my parents shoulders as both of them had just lost one of their parents, and what to make for dinner was not on the top of their minds. Besides this our overall experience was changed by our cognitive view of the problem. We all knew we would see our loved ones again and remembering that truth got us through.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Affair Proof Marriages

This week in class we discussed the many ways you can protect your marriage, and make it a happy one. Some of the ways we can do this is by first being fiercely loyal. Meaning your spouse's concerns and needs should always be put first. Once married, the relationship between you and your spouse becomes your biggest priority. Another thing we discussed was the importance of not only being physically faithful, but also emotionally. It is often emotional attachments that lead to immoral action. Sometimes it may just begin as confiding in a friend of the opposite sex, rather than your spouse. It is a slippery slope from there.

Besides these guidelines there are also a few other very clear guidelines that could be very useful. They include never being alone with a member of the opposite sex, other than your spouse. Having a shared facebook account, and even ending certain friendships if necessary. The idea is to in a way put a boundary around the married couple so that they can become their own new family unit.

I personally have watched some family members fall into the traps that leave so many families broken. Everyone is susceptible to these problems.That is why I feel that this advice is something that is so important to follow. It may seem extreme to some to share a facebook account or get rid of old friends. It may even seem to some that following this advice is a sign that you don't have trust in your relationship, but that is just not true. If you really love someone then you will do everything in your power to remain together, to show them your love, and to put their needs above your own. And these are just some of the great ways you can do that.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Love and Marriage

Now to give an overview of last weeks material, I will discuss the idea of love. Everyone wants it, but no one knows what it really is. Everyone sees it, but no one can define it. Everyone feels it, but no one really understands it. Love is different for everyone, but we all need it. This makes love pretty difficult especially when trying to make a decision about marriage. In class bother Williams suggested that it is unwise to base your decision to get married on love alone.  He suggested that because it is just an emotion it will fade with time.I understood where he was coming from and the point he was trying to make, but I am afraid I don't think he was very clear on something very important. That is that love is vital to marriage! President Utchdorf in a talk addressed to young single adults said that we should by no means marry someone we do not love. Yes of course it is not the only reason we marry someone, but it is a necessity. In this lesson we were also introduced to the relationship attachment model which explains something very interesting that could help people whether they are "falling in love," or just dating.  The model proceeds as follows: you should know someone more than you trust them, trust them more than you rely on them, rely on them more than you commit to them, and finally commit to them more than you touch them. I ink ththis is a great outline for anyone to follow to make sure that your relationships are healthy and positive. Love is tricky but I think this model puts things into perspective and could help many people.