Sunday, June 16, 2013

Affair Proof Marriages

This week in class we discussed the many ways you can protect your marriage, and make it a happy one. Some of the ways we can do this is by first being fiercely loyal. Meaning your spouse's concerns and needs should always be put first. Once married, the relationship between you and your spouse becomes your biggest priority. Another thing we discussed was the importance of not only being physically faithful, but also emotionally. It is often emotional attachments that lead to immoral action. Sometimes it may just begin as confiding in a friend of the opposite sex, rather than your spouse. It is a slippery slope from there.

Besides these guidelines there are also a few other very clear guidelines that could be very useful. They include never being alone with a member of the opposite sex, other than your spouse. Having a shared facebook account, and even ending certain friendships if necessary. The idea is to in a way put a boundary around the married couple so that they can become their own new family unit.

I personally have watched some family members fall into the traps that leave so many families broken. Everyone is susceptible to these problems.That is why I feel that this advice is something that is so important to follow. It may seem extreme to some to share a facebook account or get rid of old friends. It may even seem to some that following this advice is a sign that you don't have trust in your relationship, but that is just not true. If you really love someone then you will do everything in your power to remain together, to show them your love, and to put their needs above your own. And these are just some of the great ways you can do that.

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